4.1.47. Xabs: photoionised absorption model¶
The xabs model calculates the transmission of a slab of material,
where all ionic column densities are linked through a photoionization
model. The relevant parameter is the ionization parameter
, with
the source luminosity,
the hydrogen density and
the distance from the ionizing
source. The advantage of the xabs model over the slab model is that
all relevant ions are taken into account, also those which would be
detected only with marginal significance using the slab model. In some
circumstances, the combined effect of many weak absorption features
still can be significant. A disadvantage of the xabs model happens of
course when the ionization balance of the source is different from the
ionization balance that was used to produce the set of runs with the
photo ionization code. In that case the xabs model may fail to give an
acceptable fit, while the slab model may perform better.
The xabs model needs an ascii-file as input. The user can provide such a file (see parameter “col” in the parameter list), but there is also a default file in SPEX that is read if the user does not provide a separate file. The default is based on a run with Cloudy, using the spectral energy distribution of NGC 5548 as used in Steenbrugge et al. (2005). Such an ascii-files contains a pre-calculated list of ionic column densities versus ionisation parameter, as well as electron temperatures versus ionisation parameter (needed for the thermal line broadening). If you want to produce such a file, you can use the auxiliary program xabsinput, that will run Cloudy for you and make the file to be used in SPEX. See Xabsinput for more details how to use that program.
For more information on this model, the atomic data and parameters we refer to Different types of absorption models.
The parameters of the model are:
: Hydrogen column density in xi
: the The following parameters are common to all our absorption models:
: The covering factor of the absorber. Default value: 1 (full
: Root mean square velocity rms
: Rms velocity dv
: Velocity distance zv
: Average systematic velocity The following parameters are the same as for the cie-model (see there for a description):
: Reference element01...28
: Abundances of H to Ni; only here we take H, He, C,
N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe, Ni.The following parameter is unique for the xabs-model and the warm model:
: File name for the photoionisation balance parametersRecommended citation: Steenbrugge et al. (2003).